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The Rapides Foundation Symposium

The Rapides Foundation Symposium: An annual gathering around a topic of importance.

 Featured Speaker: Jeff Goldsmith, Ph.D.
What if the Crowd is Wrong: Six Debatable Propositions about the
Future of Healthcare and What They Mean for Strategy

Join the Rapides Foundation for this presentation by Jeff Goldsmith, President of Health Futures, Inc. He is one of the nation's foremost health industry analysts, specializing in corporate strategy, trend analysis, health policy and emerging technologies. Jeff has worked across the health system - hospitals, health plans, physician groups, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and health manufacturing and distribution sectors - advising senior management and Boards. Health Futures also helps guide venture and private equity investment in emerging technologies. Jeff writes and lectures actively on health policy, financing and technology, both in the United States and overseas. For more information on Jeff Goldsmith, please click here

Reservations are required. To RSVP, email with your name, organization name,  and the number of attendees. You may also call 318-443-3394 or 800-994-3394.